In August of last year this blog started up and reported the fact that LiveWell Property Management and the Landlord Credit Bureau had an ethically dubious relationship. Zac Killam was a director of both companies.
To us this represented a serious conflict of interest – how could our landlord be expected to impartially adjudicate disputes with information reported to the Landlord Credit Bureau when he is also financially involved with the Landlord Credit Bureau? It sounded so many alarm bells in me I knew I had to get the word out.
Toronto housing lawyer Benjamin Ries had this to say of the relationship in QP Briefing:

He had this to say about it recently in the Hamilton Spectator:

Zac Killam has denied any conflict of interest in both publications.

For his part, Matt Christie has acted as if he isn’t the owner of the building in text message with us:

Killam accuses us of “creating false narratives” and “innuendos” in his lawsuit against us and in his notes on the Hamilton Spectator article. So we decided to answer the question once and for all.
94 East Avenue South was bought by 2582724 ONTARIO INC in 2017 with a mortgage out from Royal Bank for $1.35 million CAD.

2582724 ONTARIO INC is just another shell corporation set up by Blakes law firm. Zac Killam is a director along with Matt Christie, who is to be expected.

Zac Killam also gave himself the titles of President, Secretary and Treasurer. Just for good measure I suppose.

This is what Zac Killam considers “no conflict of interest”. He holds part of a $1.35 million dollar note on the building I live in. The building he has been using to harvest data from with Landlord Credit Bureau.
When Matt Christie says he’ll “send our request to the landlord”, who does he mean exactly? Who else is there but him and Zac? How many more shell corporations will we have to turn over?
Zac talked about his “interest in a small number of rental units” but I guess didn’t think it was important to tell people that one of those “small number of rental units” happened to be the one my family lives in.
How can the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services continue to licence Mr. Killam as a credit reporting agency given all we know now about what he considers “no conflict of interest”?